Principles In Design (W.H. Mayall, 1979)

The Principle of Totality

“All design requirements are always interrelated and must always be treated as such throughout a design task”

The Principle of Time

“The features and chracteristics of all products change as time passes”

THe Principle of Value

“The characteristics of all products have different relative values depending upon the different circumtances and time in which they may be used”

The Principle of Resources

“The design, manufacture and life of all products and systems depend upon the materials, tools and skills upon which we can call”

The Principle of Synthesis

” All features of a product must combine to satisfy all the characteristics we expect it to posses with an acceptable relative importance for as long as we wish, bearing in mind the resources available to make and use it”

The Principle of Iteration

“Design requires processes of evaluation that begin with the first intentions to explore the need for a product or system. These processes continue throughout all subsequent design and development stage to the user himself, whose reactions will often cause the iterative process to continue with a new product or system”

The Principle of Change

“Design is a process of change, an activity undertaken not only to meet changing circumtances, but also to bring about changes to these circumtances by the nature of the product itself”

The Principle of Relationship

“Design work cannot be undertaken effectively without establishing working relationships with all those activities concerned with the conception, manufacture and marketing of products and, importanly, with the prospective user, together with all the services he may call upon to assist his judgement and protect his interest”

The Principle of Competence

“Design competence is the ability to create a synthesis of features that achieves all desired characteristics in terms of their required life and relative value, using available or specified materials, tools, and skills, and to transmit effective information about this synthesis to those who will turn into products or systems”

The Principle of Service

“Design must satisfy everybody, and not just those for whom its product are directly intended”

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